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Portfolio - Companies with Annual Revenues Greater than $100M, 3 of 17  Back Next

A Chemical Engineering and Manufacturing Company


A team in their IT department had spent 4-6 months testing Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions and tried to collaborate to find one that worked effectively in their environment.  However, they were at an impasse.

I was brought in to facilitate the team, identify why they could not get on the same page, and help them focus on selecting one solution as a pilot to be used by the sales department.


I was able to isolate what the issues were between the team members and we worked with the VPN vendors to address the issues and concerns, determining if the issues were reconcilable in their environment. Within one month we had many of the issues resolved, with one solution notably selected as the best option for conducting a pilot to be used by the sales team.

The VPN solution selected successfully allowed the sales team to work remotely, as if on-site using their network, while ensuring the security of their network.


A first year savings of about $50,000.

A 95% efficiency improvement.

ROI was 1 month.


Copyright © 2012 Ideal Business Innovations, Inc.

Created and Maintained by Ideal Business Innovations, Inc.   Last Modified: 05/07/2012